Lock-down Art Packs

Normally during the spring and summer we would be busy organising the Whitley School Olympics, visits to Ufton Court and Pangbourne College for outdoor adventures, our extremely popular Family Summer Holiday day trips, craft workshops in the school holidays and much more.
Children would be busy practising their contributions to our annual Whitley Arts Festival and we would have been excited about the finalists of our annual poetry competition performing at the University.None of that has been possible in 2020.
What could we do?
Virtually every child enjoys doing art, and we know it is both therapeutic and fun to make art, but materials are expensive and with many of our families furloughed from their jobs buying art materials is a luxury.
So, we have made-up 150 Art packs which contain sketch pads, paper, paints, brushes, pencils, crayons, pastel chalks, brushes, scissors, glue, and rubbers.
Whitley Community Development Association https://www.facebook.com/TeamWhitleyCDA/
took 50 of these packs to distribute to families they have been supporting through lockdown and each of our primary schools distributed the remainder to families they know are unable to provide the materials for their children.
We asked the children to get their parents/carers to post their art work on our Facebook Page. Have a look at some of their lovely work here.