Inspiring Young Minds: Aspire2 Brings Year 5 Students to Reading University On Thursday, 7th November, Aspire2 had the pleasure of organising a trip for the Year 5 pupils from New Christchurch Primary School, Whitley Park Primary School, Geoffrey Field Junior School, and Christ the King Primary School on an inspiring visit to Reading University. The day was filled with learning, […]
Public speaking competition 2024
Once again, the young people of South Reading shone, as those who reached the final of the annual Aspire2 Public Speaking competition gave their speeches to a large crowd assembled in one of the lecture halls at Reading University on Tuesday 27th February. It started with a KS1 student who gave an impressively confident speech outlining what she would do […]

Join the Carnival!
We are delighted to launch the BRAND NEW website for Whitley Carnival. Launching on Sunday 11th June, the carnival will be Aspire2’s biggest ever event, and Reading’s biggest and brightest street party. We need as much help as possible from the local community to make it happen – if you are interested in volunteering, performing, walking in the carnival, […]

Year 5 university students for a day
Our annual Year 5 University Day took place in November this year, with pupils from five schools being welcomed to the Palmer Building on Whiteknights campus. They all enjoyed a lecture in one of the university’s biggest and most impressive lecture theatres, on themes as diverse as History and Pharmacology. This was followed by a tour of the campus, with […]

We’re award finalists!
We’re absolutely delighted to have been shortlisted in the Red Kite Days Berkshire Awards 2022, in the community support category. Aspire2 is one of only five organisations shortlisted, and the only one based in Reading. We are also by far the smallest charity to get this far – even though we are small we are definitely showing that we are […]

Beale Park trip for Whitley children
This summer, children from Whitley have been treated to a fantastic day out at Beale Wildlife Park. Over 250 Year 2 pupils in primary schools across Whitley were gifted entry to the park via the Child Beale Trust and Aspire2. For many children, this was their first trip to a wildlife park, and their first school trip since before […]
Aspirations of university for Year 5
On Thursday 17th February, children from primary schools across South Reading were offered the unique opportunity to become university students for the day. Hosted by Reading University, Aspire2’s Year 5 University Day was particularly exciting for this cohort as many of them had not been on a school trip since before the Covid-19 pandemic. The children each attended a […]
New minibuses open up a world of opportunity for Whitley children
For children across schools in Whitley, today marks the start of a new and exciting era. Aspire2 has fundraised to provide two brand new 16 seater minibuses, for shared use by 11 schools within the Whitley Excellence Cluster. The minibuses were launched today at The Ridgeway Primary School, with an audience including Mayor Rachel Eden, Cllr Micky Leng, Cllr Alice […]
Aspire2 AGM
Aspire2 Whitley’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 December at 6pm, online via Zoom. All stakeholders are invited to attend. Join Zoom meeting here
Minibus funding
Aspire2 is delighted to announce that we have been funded £15,000 by the John Sykes Foundation. This grant has closed the financial gap in our long held ambition to lease two minibuses which will be used to transport whole classes of children in Whitley over the next five years to extra-curricular activities, trips to the beach, holiday clubs, and more. […]